How to Rent in Barcelona


A 38-page ebook detailing how to rent a property in Barcelona. The 2024 edition has had a major update to include new chapters on temporary rentals and the empadronamiento process, as well as including the major rental law changes of 2023.

The e-book can be purchased with a debit card, credit card or using PayPal. After purchasing, you’ll be able to download the ebook immediately.

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How to Rent in Barcelona is aimed at helping people find and rent accommodation specifically in Barcelona, but can be used for Spain in general too. The rental guide explains how the rental market functions, and informs you of the preparations you need to make in order to rent successfully. It covers the whole process of searching, viewing and securing your flat or house, right through to signing the rental contract. You’ll understand the rental process, and what is and isn’t standard practice. The book applies to both long-term rentals and temporary rentals.

After reading this guide you’ll be prepared. You’ll understand the rental market and what you have to do and have in place in order to rent successfully. Hopefully, it will also give you the peace of mind that knowing what to expect brings.